*Classes may not be offered at every location. Check studio schedules for class details.
Intro to Pole
Congratulations! You have taken your first step towards the most fun you'll ever have working out. Your second step is to click the Sign Up button. Want to tone your abs, gain upper body strength, and - here's the kicker - HAVE FUN WHILE DOING IT? This is where you start! You will learn important foundations of Pole, including fun moves you will put together into a little routine at the end of class. Please wear indoor runners or go barefoot and longer pants that cover the back of the knee. This class has a limit of one pole per person and you must reserve a pole. Intro to Pole is strongly recommended before starting Pole 101.
*Parties and events will not be accepted into Intro to Pole 101. For party bookings please book a time outside of our regularly scheduled classes.* BOOK A PARTY
Pole 101
Pole 101 will teach the basic technique of pole dancing. We will go through safety tips including shoulder engagement and wrist alignment. This level will also help to build your strength with emphasis being placed on the upper body and core giving you the confidence to move to the next level. Every move you do gives you a great stretch, creating long lean muscles. You will feel stronger, your body will begin to tone and tighten, and you will feel muscles you never knew you had. There are 2 series in level 101: Black (Static Pole) & Grey (Spin Pole). Black has 8 classes and Grey has 4 classes.
- Start with Black or Grey series or take them both together.
- Attend all shades of Black (8) and Grey (4) in any order.
- Repeat any series or class over again until you feel confident and ready to move to 202!
Pole 202
Now that you have learned the basics, we will start to put the moves into sequences and routines. While continuing to condition your body you will also learn some transitional moves so you can start to dance and this is when you start to burn more calories. You will safely learn a new and challenging combo each class strengthening your muscles for the next level. There are 2 series in level 202: Black (Static Pole) & Grey (Spin Pole). Black has 8 classes and Grey has 4 classes. Start with Black or Grey series or take them both together. Attend all shades of Black (8) and Grey (4) in any order. Repeat any series or class over again until you feel confident and ready to move to 303!
Check out our full class schedules here.
Pole 303
"Life is better upside-down"! Feeling confident and strong with the spins learned in the beginner levels, it is now time to invert and see the world from a different perspective! In addition to going upside-down, prepare to get dizzy as you are introduced to the foundations of spin pole. Conditioning will get harder as the demands on your body increase. There are 3 series (303A, 303B, 303C) in this level and 4 classes in each series. You may start with any series and do more than one series at a time, but must start with class 1 of that series completing each series in the correct order. You must be comfortable with at least one of the 303 series before moving on to level 404.
Pole Choreo L1 (Spin & Static)
In this class, you will learn to fuse pole movements and tricks together to create choreography. Work on musicality through movement and create captivating routines, while increasing your fluidity of movements and transitions on and off the pole. Must have completed Pole 101 to take this class.Barefoot is recommended.
Each week the class alternates between Spin and Static pole.
Pole Theatre (202+)
Feeling good about the spins you have learned and dreaming of the day you are ready to perform? Then Beginner Pole Theatre is for you! In this class you will learn dynamic spin combos, complex transitions and creative floorwork. Every week is a different style of music and dance so you can tap into a variety of expressions to expand your knowledge and personal repertoire. Prepare to be challenged and have fun!*YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED ALL OF POLE 101 AND POLE 202 TO TAKE THIS CLASS*
Check out our full class schedules here.
Pole 404
Now that you have learned to invert and have gained confidence having your feet above your head, we focus on learning some fun shapes and poses while upside-down! You will also continue to learn more skills on the spin pole including pretty spins and inversions! This is a big jump from the earlier levels requiring more strength and it is completely normal to have to re-take this level a few times in order to master all the skills taught. There are 4 series (404A, 404B, 404C, 404D) in this level and 5 classes in each series. The 5th class in the series is review and combo day. You may start with any series and do more than one series at a time, but must start with class 1 of that series completing each series in the correct order. You must be completely comfortable with controlled inversions prior to starting this level. You must be comfortable with at least one of the 404 series before moving on to level 505.
Pole 505
It's time to get acrobatic and learn the moves that amaze! These classes will focus on static pole moves as well as transitions in and out of those moves allowing you to link together some interesting combinations. Again, there is a big jump in difficulty as you enter this level and more focus is placed on higher level conditioning to help you succeed. There are 4 series (505A, 505B, 505C, 505D) in this level and 5 classes in each series. The 5th class is review and combo day. You may start with any series and do more than one series at a time, but must start with class 1 of that series completing each series in the correct order. You must be confident with shoulder mounts from the floor prior to starting this level.
Pole 606
You should feel very confident with shoulder mounts and hip hangs to move into this level. You will learn combinations of tricks and continue to condition and work on flexibility. There are 3 series in level 606: 606A, 606B, 606C. You will learn a different sequence of moves in each series. You may start with any series and you may do more than 1 series at a time, but must complete a series in the correct order of classes.
Intermediate Pole Lab
Is there a specific move that you want to learn that isn't in the Tantra Pole 101 - 505 Curriculum? Then this class is for you! You can make requests or just show up and see what the instructor has prepared for the day. Each week there will be different moves and a different instructor to keep you challenged and to ensure a variety of styles are taught! You must have completed at least one 505 series to attend.
Advanced Pole Lab
Our most difficult pole class - this is when things get really crazy! Over the weeks, expect to learn higher level strength moves, Chinese pole moves, extreme flexibility moves, dynamic pole combos, interesting transitions, mount and dismount variations etc... Feel free to make requests! Every class is different! You must have a solid shoulder mount, aerial inversion, handstand, aisha, and caterpillar climb to attend.
Pole Choreo L2 (Spin & Static)
In this class, you will learn to fuse pole movements and tricks together to create choreography. Work on musicality through movement and create captivating routines, while increasing your fluidity of movements and transitions on and off the pole. Must have taken and be comfortable in Pole Choreo L1 in order to take this class. Barefoot is recommended for this class.This class is 303+.
Intermediate Pole Theatre (404+)
Feeling good about the inversion and climbing moves you have learned and dreaming of the day you are ready to perform? Then Intermediate Pole Theatre is for you! In this class you will learn how to put together inversion and climbing combos, dynamic spins, complex transitions and creative floorwork. Every week is a different style of music and dance so you can tap into a variety of expressions to expand your knowledge and personal repertoire. Prepare to be challenged and have fun! Shoes permitted but not required.
This class is 404+.
Check out our full class schedules here.
Erotic Pole L1 (Spin & Static) (Must be 19+)
Learn the basic movement of Erotic Dance in this super fun class. We suggest that you repeat this level until you feel strong and comfortable to move on to Erotic Dance L2. Each class will focus on a specific technique, transition, and/or aspect of Erotic Dance. And, like all our erotic dance classes, you will be taught a different routine each class applying these concepts. Raise your confidence, get comfortable in your own skin and get a workout all at the same time, what more could you ask for! Heels are more than welcome in this class. If you have sensitive knees you can bring leg warmers or knee pads. Wear shorts for spin pole.
Erotic Pole L2 (Spin & Static) (Must be 19+)
Once you are completely comfortable in Erotic Pole L1 and are looking for more of a challenge, you are ready to work on more elaborate moves in Erotic Pole L2. You can now focus on longer routines that include spins, floorwork, and transitions. Stilettos and knee pads are highly recommended for this intermediate class!
You must be in Pole 303 (or equivalent experience) and comfortable with climbing and bracket grips.
Hard Style Heels L1 (Must be 19+)
Hard Style Heels is a routine-based class combining acrobatic tricks, contemporary dance, and exotic feelings! Classes may feature fast or slow choreography, but always focus on character and perfection of flow technique. Get ready to sweat, it’s going to be crazy fun!
Heels and knee pads required.
Hard Style Heels L2 (Must be 19+)
Jump, flip, kip, and get your legs to new heights with Hard Style Heels Level 2! This choreography pole class combines acrobatic tricks, contemporary dance, and erotic feelings! Classes may feature fast or slow choreography, but always focus on character, perfection of flow technique, and safe trick execution. Get ready to sweat, it’s going to be crazy fun! Heels and knee pads required. Students must be comfortable with Hard Style Heels L1 before attending Level 2.
Erotic Spin Lab (Must be 19+)
In Erotic spin lab you will learn more advanced erotic routines on spin pole. This class will focus more on aerial moves and less low flow. Must be comfortable with climbs and basic inverts. Must have completed at least one round of Pole 404.
Street Pole L1 (Must be 19+)
Students will learn dynamic and fast paced choreography on static pole in sneakers. This dance style borrows elements from hip-hop, breakdancing, and hard style heels. In class, we will work on baby kips, transitions, and power tricks. Ideal for 202+ students. *Indoor sneakers and knee pads required. Leave arms exposed for increased upper body grip. Sweatpants optional (but encouraged, for the vibes).
Erotic Tricks 404+ (Must be 19+)
Learn unique and challenging Erotic Pole Dance tricks and combos. Each class will have a different instructor who brings a different style and their favourite pole tricks. These moves will be extensively broken down, and modifications will be offered to be able to execute these moves. Tricks will be incorporated into a short dance routine. Bring your kneepads and heels. We will learn the tricks without heels first and try them with heels, when you feel comfortable. Level: Pole 404+
Check out our full class schedules here.
Get strong and fit in this high-intensity conditioning class! With strength and conditioning moves on and off the pole, this class will get you in shape for gravity-defying pole moves! Options will be given whether you are new to pole or an advanced poler. You do not have to be taking pole classes to take this class. This class is suitable for everyone and all levels. If you are an intermediate to advanced pole student (able to do inversions) please bring shorts. Otherwise, any work out bottoms will do.
Check out our full class schedules here.