There is no shortage of fun and interesting content about pole fitness floating around on the Internet, and we wanted to share with you some cool blogs to follow. With so much information available at our fingertips, we spent the time to curate some interesting and educating resources. Check out this list and enjoy:
United Pole Artists
United Pole Artists is media company that was created in 2009 that focuses on Pole Dance News, Media and Marketing. They also have a killer blog. UPA’s Poler Bear Blog has authors from around the world who all have one thing in common: their love for pole fitness. These blog posts are “opinion pieces written by poler bears from everywhere.”
Pole Freaks
Holly Munson is the brain behind Pole Freaks. When she started Pole Dancing, she found that there wasn’t a lot of information available to help guide pole dancers. When she became more experienced on the pole she decided to start writing a blog to accompany her Pole Dancing classes. Her goal is to help and inform those who want to learn more.
Bad Kitty
Bad Kitty, the pole apparel company that we all know and love, has an awesome blog. The content is updated frequently and there are a variety of topics such as lifestyle, people, industry and more. Being a leader in the pole dance industry, the Bad Kitty Pole Blog provides pole dancing enthusiasts with education and information on all thing pole.
Love Pole Kisses
As you may know, another word for those sneaky bruises that we get from poles are called pole kisses. So, “Love Pole Kisses” is the perfect name for a blog that is about all things pole related. A lady named Gemma is a self-proclaimed fitness addict who began this blog after moving from the UK to Costa Rica.
When you find a pole blog you love, it’s good to follow their blog posts, social media accounts/posts and sign up or their RSS feed/newsletter. These blogs are a wealth of information that will help you develop your skills, entertain you and tell you things that you may not know. What is your favourite pole blog to follow (besides Tantra’s, of course)?