Miss Pole Dance Taboo 2017

The Taboo Naughty but Nice Sex Show, Western Canada’s largest Adult Trade Show, is just around the corner which means so is the annual Miss Pole Dance Taboo competition presented by Tantra Fitness. We began this event six years ago and it’s evolved into quite the competition. This year there are three divisions – Amateur, Semi-Pro, & Pro – and … Read More

Unique Stagette Party Ideas

Most girls dream of their wedding day from a young age and as they get older, they begin to fantasize about a small but significant part of their wedding: their stagette. Not only are they thinking about this night, which celebrates them getting married to the love of their life, but usually the bride’s friends are pretty excited to throw … Read More

One Doctor’s Journey to Becoming A Pole Champion: Anna von Rossum

The love of pole is not discriminatory and the sport embraces a diverse mix of people from different backgrounds and professions.  Anna von Rossum took her first pole class in the summer of 2012 and her life changed forever. By day she is a Doctor in Immunology and by night she’s both a pole champion and teacher at Tantra Fitness. … Read More

Jeff Yu: The Making of a Champion

the making of a pole champion jeff yu

  Like all of us, Jeff Yu is many things: a son, a boyfriend, a student, a researcher, a former MMA fighter. Jeff also happens to be one the best male pole dancers in Canada. Now, before your eyebrows start raising, or your eyes start rolling, let’s start with some hard, cold facts: Fact 1: pole dancing is a legitimate … Read More

Studio Spotlight: Tantra Fitness

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Lori Myers interviewed Tammy Morris about her lifestyle, and the definitions around Pole Dancing and Pole Fitness: What do you think about the stripper vs. pole fitness debate? I am constantly standing up for Pole Fitness as a sport.  I am not trying to fool anyone, Pole Dancing has predominately been for stripping but it has also been used in Cirque (Chinese … Read More