Micki Steedman is a Marine Biologist by trade with a BSc from University of Victora and a Masters of Marine Conservation from the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand (NZ). She’s extremely passionate about marine biology and conservation, which is part of the reason she moved from Calgary to Vancouver. She moved to Vancouver to work as an environmental … Read More
Cool Pole Studios Around the Globe
It’s no secret that Tantra Fitness is the Best Pole Studio in Vancouver but outside of our province’s borders, there are a few other kick-ass pole studios. If you are ever in their neck of the woods, you should definitely make a point of dropping in for a class or two. Check out our list: Body and Pole in New … Read More
A Week in the Life of a Pole Student with Geena
Each pole student is unique and different. Each pole student has an interesting world that they live in outside of the studio. Every pole student’s schedule is different so we want to show you what life is like for Geena Renk, a pole student who’s been with us for just over a year. Geena was a competitive gymnast between the … Read More
Tantra Fitness Burnaby Turns One
Our Burnaby location has now officially spun around the sun more than 365 days which means it has officially been open for one year. Our 2500 square foot studio lives in the heart of Burnaby and has 12 poles, parking in front, and an amazing staff of Studio Coordinators and Instructors. This studio’s location is a part of Burnaby’s up-and-coming … Read More
The Benefits of Pole
A lot of people underestimate the many fantastic benefits of pole dancing. There’s a lot of positive effects on the mind and body when you are practicing pole dance frequently and we want to share wth you a few enticing reasons to get into the world of pole. You will burn a lot of calories Tammy Morris, Tantra Fitness Founder, … Read More